A little update on something I made yesterday.
With the worldwide lockdown continuing I've been having some virtual family quizzes over video chat (I won last night π). So instead of coming up with a traditional round of questions and answers I decided to do something a bit different and make a silly little game using websockets.
I came up with emoji horse racing! The first person that connects is the admin and can choose when to start a race and reset the racers. The following people that join can select an emoji to use as their racer, and when the race starts the emojis move a random amount across the screen until the first three cross the finish line and the podium is decided on.
It's super basic but was really fun seeing everyone cheer on their emoji.
If you want to play it or build your own version it's available at https://glitch.com/~emoji-race But it might be smart to remix your own version so less random people join.
If I was to go back and fix it up some more there are a few things I would do:
- Make it more resilient against dropped connections
- Add room functionality for multiple games at the same time
- UI improvements - countdown timers, nicer podium, more obvious signal that the racers are waiting for the admin.