Wow Next.js just keeps getting better and better for me! 9.3 and 9.4 have both released absolutely killer features that I will 100% be using as I migrate my site π
#100days 13 - Did some work on integrating my bathroom scale into my home automation.
It's sort of wildly over-engineered but I love it.
I have a raspberry pi near my bedroom with a script running that can read results from the scale via Bluetooth, it then sends the data over mqtt to my home assistant box at the other side of the apartment and that stores the information and runs an automation.
The automation gets the new data compares it to the last weight and then speaks it on the nearby Google home.
The result is I step on the scale, it shows my weight, then the Google home tells me the change since last time, my bmi and my fat.
I am 100% reporting my fat wrong, it's either - it is reporting "visceral fat" which is not the same as body fat percentage, so I need to change something somewhere. But all the data is there it's just a case of doing some simple calculations or changing what the speaker tells me.
Bonus video:
#100days 12 - Figured out the issue I was having yesterday with inserting replacing the editor element instead of inserting it as a child.
It was fairly involved meaning removing sibling elements and adding them again later on. But so far it appears to be working great for me.
This is pretty important in an editor that can handle alignment - which the PostrChild extension does. It means there is no extra effort needed to style the content when it is in the editor vs when it is live on the site.
Still lots of work to go, especially around the suggestion functionality but I feel there is a bit more progress again and I am using PostrChild more to write these updates
#100days 11 - I didn't get around to writing an update yesterday but I did do a bit of unsuccessful work on the PostrChild extension. Trying to replace existing elements with react instead of creating children inside them, but it's quite tricky. I'll try again today by clearing children from the parent before re-adding them with a portal in the correct position.
#100days 10 - Figured out the issue from yesterday and got the right click send to media endpoint functionality working. I needed to request the correct permission for it to work. So now I can right click just about any image and save it to my own site.
#100days 9 - I started working on trying to add a right click context menu to the PostrChild extension, but no luck so far. I've not been able to get it to appear. I also should work on the web extension development workflow as it is a little clunky at the moment.
#100days 8 - Set up the new feeds plugin on my site so I've got rss, atom, json feed, jf2 and microformats json feeds for my content.
It could probably do with some more filtering, like options for post types to show up in the main feed and add feeds for individual types and categories.
#100days 7 - Fixed up the Postr feeds plugin I started ages ago and pushed it up to the [repo](]. Will see if it's safe to use on my own site tomorrow!
#100days 4 - More issue wrangling.
Got all my issues for the updated PostrChild extension organized in a [GitHub project](
Hopefully I'll be able to start picking off a few of these issues every day.